Corneal Allogenic Ring Segments (CAIRS)
Lions World Vision Institute is proud to announce Dr. Soosan Jacob, pioneer of Corneal Allogenic Ring Segments (CAIRS) as a consultant to LWVI’s OptiGraft® program.
Dr Soosan Jacob, MS, FRCS, DNB is Director and Chief at Dr Agarwal’s Refractive and Cornea Foundation, Chennai, India. She specializes in keratoconus, complex cornea, refractive, complex cataract, complex anterior segment, glaucoma, middle segment and cataract related posterior segment surgeries. Dr. Jacob started the CAIRS technique in 2015 as a solution to complications seen with synthetic intracorneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation. She was pleased to convey CAIRS advantages lowered risks of extrusions and melts, being allogenic, it becomes part of the host cornea and does not carry that risk, in addition to other surgical benefits. CAIRS has since gained momentum with cases conducted worldwide as Dr. Jacob has shared this contributive innovation.
CAIRS full and partial circular segments of allogenic tissue are created from a donor corneoscleral rim for the treatment of keratoconus, post LASIK ectasia and other corneal ectasis.
Our processing center removes the epithelial and endothelial cells and devitalize intrastromal cells through our processing and terminal irradiation. The sterile CAIRS can be stored at room temperature for up to two years.
Dr. David Gunn and Dr. Brendan Cronin are pleased to share CAIRS PLAN, a customized CAIRS segment tool they created to improve treatments for keratoconus patients. They generously offer their expertise and knowledge with cornea surgeons using their CAIRS planner as a free online tool. For additional information visit

David Gunn, MD,
Brisbane, Australia

Brendan Cronin, MD,
Brisbane, Australia
How to use CAIRS Plan
LWVI had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Soosan Jacob as our Lead CAIRS trainer at ESCRS (Barcelona), and AAO (Chicago), where we offered educational presentations for TransplantREADY® Endo-In DMEK, DSAEK and CAIRS wet labs to over 200 cornea surgeons at our exhibits.
“Thanks to LWVI’s wet lab at AAO, I was able try out some new procedures that I have been looking to bring into my practice. The training was very accessible and LWVI had international experts available to walk me through the critical parts of each procedure.”
— Brian Armstrong, MD
Do you need tissue for your next transplant case?
Let us know what you need, so we can provide tissue processed to your specifications. Already Registered? Login to your account in One World Sight Alliance (OWSA), our online tissue management portal
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