Coroners and Medical Examiners
Coroners and Medical Examiners Jurisdiction and Donation
Tissue and Cornea donation is possible when a person’s death falls under the jurisdiction of a Coroner or Medical Examiner (CME). Lions World Vision Institute is committed to working closely with CMEs throughout our service areas to maintain our commitment to recovering all transplantable tissues and corneas while ensuring the CME can meet its medicolegal responsibilities.
Lions World Vision Institute seeks CME permission for donation for all cases that fall under their jurisdiction before recovering tissues and corneas.
Coroners and Medical Examiners Direct Referral Program
Many CMEs work to ensure that donation is an option for the families of individuals under their jurisdiction who die outside of a hospital setting. Through our CME referral program, the CMEs refer potential donors to Lions World Vision Institute to evaluate the potential for donation for transplantation.
When the referral is received, Lions World Vision Institute checks the Donor Registry to see if the individual is a registered donor. If the individual made the choice during their lifetime, our team contacts the family to gain additional information for donation. If the individual had not made the decision, the family is invited to make a choice about donation on their loved one’s behalf. Following the determination of medical suitability and authorization for donation by the individual or family and the CME, donation recovery can occur at the CME’s office or other location.
If you would like more information or have any questions about our CME partnership, please contact Lions World Vision Institute at PartnerRelations@LWVI.org.