
Resources Archive

State of Florida Department of Health Operating Permit

STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Operating Permit 29-64-00320 Biomedical Waste· Medical Doctor Issued To: Lions World Vision Institute INC 1410 N 21st Street, Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33605 Issued By: 29-810-7426243 County: Hillsborough Amount Paid: $85.00 Date Paid: 09/20/2024 Issued Date:…

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BrightMEM Reimbursement Guide

Introduction Brightstar Therapeutics is dedicated to providing its customers with professional reimbursement and medical claims assistance at no charge. Our aim is to support billing for BrightMEM corneal allograft to Medicare and…

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BrightMEM Surgery Center Information Document

BrightMEMTM Corneal Allograft Information Sheet For Surgery Centers and Hospitals About BrightMEM BrightMEM is a novel corneal allograft that promotes the regeneration of the corneal epithelium. It is made from Descemet's Membrane, which…

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BrightMEM Surgical Pearls

BrightMEMTM Anterior Keratoplasty Pearls for Success 1) Case selection - The ideal patient for BrightMEM anterior keratoplasty has 25-75% limbal stem cell deficiency, with or without an epithelial defect. Non-healing corneal defects (post-herpetic,…

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BrightMEM Surgeon Introductory Packet

BrightMEMTM Corneal Allograft Product Insert BrightMEM is a novel corneal allograft that promotes regeneration of the corneal epithelium. It is made from Descemet's Membrane, which serves as an optimized substrate for protecting…

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BrightMEM White Paper

BY JOSHUA HOU, MD Background PERSISTENT CORNEAL EPITHELIAL DEFECT A persistent corneal epithelial defect (PCED) occurs when there is a failure of reepithelialization after a corneal injury. According to recent estimates, there are…

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BrightMEM Scientific Background

Significance of Research Question/Purpose: Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is a devastating disease that accounts for an estimated 15-20% of corneal blindness worldwide.1 This disease results from loss or dysfunction of LSCs,…

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BrightMEM Informational Flyer

The BrightMEM Corneal AllograftBrightMEM is a novel corneal allograft thatpromotes regeneration of the corneal epithelium. It is made from Descemet's Membrane, whichcreates a new foundation for the ocular surface,capable of…

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TransplantREADY PKP

TransplantREADY® PKPStreamlining Surgical Procedures Streamlining Surgical Procedures with TransplantREADY® PKP Lions World Vision Institute introduces a novel TransplantREADY® PKP. Developed to save time in the O.R. and reduce expense, the Prepunched…

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